Quality management Link
We, the management of the meso international GmbH, commit ourselves to realize an active and continuously improving quality management system (QMS).
The meso international GmbH consistently follows stringent quality requirements to ensure a high product quality. The development of complex medical software and hardware underlies specific criterias concerning test and evaluation. During the development and test phase each step is documented and reproducible.
We continually review and enhance our QM system to improve its quality. Our corporate mission and our strict quality objectives are the basis for our daily work.
In December 2024 the meso international GmbH has been successfully recertified.
Certification Link
The meso international GmbH is certified according medical product norm DIN EN ISO 13485:2021-12.
Since 2013, meso international GmbH owns the certification DE AEOF 118936 as Authorised Economic Operator.
CE Conformity Link
All MESO products are in accordance with the Medical Device Regulation MDR (EU) 2017/745.